Economic Sentiment Recovers As Consumer Confidence In The U.S. Housing Market And Broader Economy Grows

After a dip at the beginning of June, consumer confidence rose over the past two weeks to reach 53.3 points, according to the HPS-CivicScience Economic Sentiment Index (ESI). The index rose a total of 0.9 points, increasing from a reading of 52.4 on March 12th. The bump in economic sentiment was driven by a 2.4… Continue reading Economic Sentiment Recovers As Consumer Confidence In The U.S. Housing Market And Broader Economy Grows

Consumer Confidence In The U.S. Economy Falls As Trade Tensions Escalate

Consumer confidence in the U.S. economy fell by 4.7 points, the largest drop this year, according to the HPS-Civic Science Economic Sentiment Index (ESI). Overall consumer confidence fell by 1.0 point to reach a reading of 52.4. After rising steadily in January to hit a peak reading 55.6 at the beginning of February, the ESI… Continue reading Consumer Confidence In The U.S. Economy Falls As Trade Tensions Escalate

Overall Consumer Confidence Improves, With A Spike In Confidence In The U.S. Economy

The Economic Sentiment Index increased slightly, according to the HPS-CivicScience Economic Sentiment Index (ESI), thanks to increased confidence in the broader U.S. economy. The index reading improved by a total of 0.5 points, from a reading of 52.8 points to 53.3 points. The renewed confidence in the U.S. economy offset declines in consumer faith in… Continue reading Overall Consumer Confidence Improves, With A Spike In Confidence In The U.S. Economy

Economic Sentiment Recovers As Consumer Confidence In The Broader Economy Grows

After a dip in February, consumer confidence recovered slightly over the past two weeks, according to the HPS-CivicScience Economic Sentiment Index (ESI). The index rose a total of 0.8 points, rising from a reading of 52.9 on March 6th to 53.7 on March 20th. Consumer confidence remains slightly above 2017 levels, as this week’s reading… Continue reading Economic Sentiment Recovers As Consumer Confidence In The Broader Economy Grows

Consumer Confidence Dips To Its Lowest Point Since December 2017

Consumer confidence dropped 1.4 points to 52.9, its lowest level in 2018 so far, according to the HPS-CivicScience Economic Sentiment Index (ESI). This is the ESI’s second consecutive reading with a decline, following the previous reading’s drop of 1.3 points, from 55.6 to 54.3 on Tuesday, February 20. Plunging confidence in the broader U.S. economy… Continue reading Consumer Confidence Dips To Its Lowest Point Since December 2017

Consumer Confidence Falls For The First Time In 2018

Consumer confidence declined over the past two weeks for the first time in 2018, according to the HPS-CivicScience Economic Sentiment Index (ESI). The index fell a total of 1.3 points, from 55.6 to 54.3, since the previous reading on February 6. This drop marks the first time the ESI has declined since the December 12… Continue reading Consumer Confidence Falls For The First Time In 2018